Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 10: Admit Defeat

Yeah, so it turns out that I completely missed blogging yesterday, therefore, blogging for 30 days straight is extremely impossible. Unless your Brighten Photography, then it's extremely possible.
Because of this crazy school I'm at, I just don't have enough time for these shenanigans. I'm sorry to let soooooo many of you down.

Tail between my legs,

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 9: Why are you reading this?

...I've got nothing for you today. I'm sorry.

But with much love,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 8: Throwback Day

Alright, these classes are kicking the crap out of me right now and I don't have much time to play around, so today is throwback day! This is from my first month here at Full Sail, a class called Design and Art Theory. We had to come up with a product and then make advertisements for that product.

I decided to make CRAP! tshirts. CRAP was something we used in class help us with composition. It stood for Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity. On the back of the shirt, I tried to illustrate each of those within each word.

My teacher was actually ecstatic and freaking out over my final project. She was telling me all about how I should copyright it and she was giving me these websites that I should go to to "patent" the idea. However, I didn't really think that they were THAT good, so I never did.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 7: Happy Birthday Lance!

It's Lance's 21st today! So I felt that it would be a great time to take the day off of blogging...and wish him the best of wishful wishes.

happy bday buddy,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 6: Banksy

Since I really didn't have time to do anything besides my school work today, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you all to one of my heroes. He goes by the name of Banksy (no one really knows his real identity) and he's a street artist from England. Here's some of his work...

Most of his work is made using stencils, but he does some other crazy street art too, like sculptures and statues, etc. Look at his site...Banksy...if you ask me, he's a genius.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 5: The Eye?

Here's some more spray paint action for ya. It's painted on cardboard, about 3' x 3'. I painted the whole thing red, pink, and purple plaid a long time ago, and just now decided to finish it. Well, it's kind of finished. I ended up just masking off a design and spraying it black with white flecks. It almost looks like outer space. Gnarly. Speaking of, I think I'll be doing a space painting one of these days. Check out this site... Space Paintings I'd like to try my hand out at something similar to that. We'll see.

Masked off

Sprayed black w/ white flecks


Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 4: Procrastination.

Today....I did nothing. zip. zero. nada.

I didn't have class today, and I have a project that's due tomorrow. It's a video project that I was supposed to film last month, and then edit this month. The thing is, I've started over on this project 3 different times. And each time, I decided that the project was going to suck, so I gave up on it, and started with something new. I think my problem is that when I know that something isn't going to turn out the way I want it to, I lose motivation and inspiration to work on it. I hate finishing something just to finish it. If it's not going to turn out the way I want it to, I would rather not finish it at all.

What sucks even more is that now I have all of these sweet ideas for video projects which I could have filmed last month, but it's too late. I'm stuck with crappy footage and no place to go with it. Call it bad planning on my part. I can't wait for this month to be over!

Getting back up tomorrow,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 3: WAR! part 2

So, I finished my painting today. As you can see, it's all made using spray paint and masking tape. As far as a meaning behind it...I would like to say that I had this big underlying theme to it, but I don't. I just feel like pieces of art that pertain to war have more power to them or something. It's like the images are stronger and can be more powerful since everyone can relate to war in some way. For good or bad.

Personally, I think people should fight for what they believe in. And if you have to go to war to defend what you believe in, then do it! We all need to stop being such pansies when it comes to standing up for ourselves, our families, our countries, our beliefs, OUR FAITH. (maybe I'm just speaking for myself there)

Here's a crappy picture of the final version... (speaking of, would anyone like to donate to the "Buy Aaron a Digital Camera Fund"? It's for a good cause)

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 2: WAR! part 1

Here's an acrylic/spray painting that I started today. Sorry to Lauren Conger, I painted over our tree masterpiece for this one. It's not that I didn't LOVE our painting...I'm just too poor/lazy right now to go buy another canvas.

The final piece should be up tomorrow.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 1: Random Sketch from Class

I realize that this is a pretty lame post, but it'll do. The first is just a sketch that I was messing around with in class today. The other two are from my first couple of months at Full Sail. Enjoy.

Stupid Horse.

Sad Clown.
(i think he's sad because his nose is cracked, and his eyes are lopsided)

Talking Hand.

See ya tomorrow,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

30 Days of Blog! (starts tomorrow)

...because my older brother isn't the only one who has the ability to blog everyday for thirty days straight. (and because I'm a huge slacker and need a little bit of motivation)

Kept Stanky,