Saturday, March 15, 2008

Motion Graphics Bumper

For my MGR class...we had to create a ten second bumper for ourselves.  If you don't know...bumpers are those short clips at the beginning of movies and you find them on websites too sometimes.  (Paramount has those stars flying in encircling the mountains, Universal has the globe spinning, etc)'s what I thought up.

I realize that I probably shouldn't have mentioned those awesome Paramount and Universal bumpers right before you looked at mine.  Mine doesn't even compare to those.  But hey, it was my first attempt. Gimme a break.


Josh Nix said...

it was so cute, kind of Halloweenish.

Johnny Quest said...

yeah...i must say that this is the first project that I've done at Full Sail in which I really don't like the way it turned out. It doesn't really say anything about me. Whatever. There's always next time.