See, last month I was in Physics (which was very easy and boring since I just took it not too long ago) and Digital Audio Design (which is definitely not my cup of tea). What I'm trying to get at, is that I really haven't had anything worth posting for the last month or so.
However, I was somewhat busy last month with a website that I made for RhythmInTwenty. You should check it out! I even made a little game inside the website. On each page of the site, there's a little tiny sparkle that will appear after everything else has loaded. Click on the sparkles! It's fun! Trust me...I play it all day while I'm in class, even though I created it and I know exactly where each sparkle will appear.
So now that you've had your fun trying to locate all the sparkles at RhythmInTwenty, you might be asking yourself, "But Aaron, what are you up to this month?"
And guess what...I'm about to tell you.
Anyway, here's what I came up with.
So, the word I chose was "washington", so everything that you see in the picture, is made out of the word "washington." Get it? Got it? Good. Zoom in for added awesomeness. (sorry about the crappy .jpg's the best i can do) So with crazy, fun classes such as these....I probably won't be sleeping much this month. You better check back often. Marvelous things will be flooding these black pages very soon.
Yours Truly,
Aaron J Harms
So now that you've had your fun trying to locate all the sparkles at RhythmInTwenty, you might be asking yourself, "But Aaron, what are you up to this month?"
And guess what...I'm about to tell you.
This month...I...AM...STOKED! I've got two classes, "Motion Graphics" and "Typography and Page Layout". Both of which, I'm very excited for.
In Motion Graphics, we'll be using Adobe After Effects to make some sweet...well...motion graphics. I guess the name of the class is pretty self-explanatory.
And then in TPL, we'll be using Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign to use type in some very interesting ways. For our first project, we had to choose one word, any word like cityscape, rain, person, whatever. And then we had to illustrate that word, using only that word. That sounds really confusing.
Anyway, here's what I came up with.

Yours Truly,
Aaron J Harms
Dang girl, love the site you made. when am i going to see a portfolio site.
Keep up the good work looks like your learning a lot i think it's so funny that you are good at all these things but yet you never did them around us back home.
The portfolio site is coming. It's all up in my head at the moment. This month, I'm gonna be really busy with Motion Graphics so it probably won't get started until next month. But trust me, it's coming.
And yeah, I think that I never really was good at these things before. Back at UNL, I had to do a similar typography project, and it didn't turn out nearly as good as this one. I even had a lot less time to do this one at Full Sail. I think that I'm just more motivated to do well here. So that helps! : )
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