I say that because I have no freakin' idea where the months of January and February went! Or even the first half of March, for that matter. Seriously...did I time travel right past the last 70 days or so? ...and not even realize it? I'm pretty sure that's the case...there's just no other explanation.
On another note, my sleep schedule just keeps getting more and more unusual. This month, I have class from 5pm to 1am everyday, which isn't too bad of a schedule. Atleast, it's consistent. But the thing is, I don't go to bed until about 6 or 7am each morning...and then I sleep all day until it's time for class at 5pm. I'm becoming a nightwalker. Maybe this is where the time gets lost.(?) But that would totally dismiss my time travel theory. And I kind of liked that theory.
You wanna hear some exciting news? I guess you have to, since your reading this. But if you don't want to hear it, stop reading right now.
My "Bushisms Painting" video, which I've posted in this blog before, which you can also find here, was playing on the big LCD screen that they just installed on top of one of our buildings. Check it out!

It was one of six other videos of student work that they had playing during Full Sail's "Behind the Scenes" Tour. They had the music blaring and everything! It was up there with some crazy stuff too, like an "Addy" award-winning motion graphics piece for Nike. So I was pretty stoked that they chose my video. Plus, how often do you see yourself on a massive video screen?
you are ridiculous. when you make millions...you have to promise to share. and sleep at night time like the rest of the world.
your rock my socks off.
congrats dude on making it to the big screen.
I want to see some new work by the magician.
So, Lance and I were talking about time travel at 5 am the other day. And we theorized that time travel might be spontaneous and could happen at any moment with a certain trigger (like a sneeze).
In fact, you might not even know that your time traveling. You could just be walking and then sneeze all of a sudden and advance into the future slightly. Maybe one or two steps in your walk. However, no one else knows that you just time traveled because they saw you walk without skipping a step.
Do you ever get that disoriented feeling after you sneeze? Like you're not sure exactly what just happened. That's it! You just traveled into the future! Congratulations.
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