Sunday, February 3, 2008

Editorial Ill-US-trat-ion

For my final project for ADG, we had to create a full page illustration for a magazine article.  We had a couple different article titles that we had to choose from, and then we had to include that title in our illustration somehow.  The title I chose was "Robot Future Poses Hard Questions".  So without further ado...

All photos and illustrations that we used had to be our own. So I ended up shooting and putting everything together in a little less than 24 hours. The robot in the picture was painted in photoshop, which I'm not particularly proud of. Anyway, I think it turned out alright. It's a little congested, but i kind of wanted to make it look like a collage of some sort. Enough about me...what do you think?


Josh Nix said...

i like it.
it has a collage feel.
your so good,
you need to teach me your way great sensei.

[ kuhns ] said...

so good. sensai. nice work