anyway...then we got a photoshop assignment to create some sort of status meter, like one you would see in a video game. the meter also had to have a scale from 1-10. so for my meter, i decided to apply some of the same painting techniques that she showed us in class. this was an in-lab assignment, so we only had 4 hours to work on it, which for me, was only 2.5 hours since i was a little late to class. whoops!'s the (not-so-final) final.

for my scale, each half of a bar would represent 1 out of 10. so in the's displaying 9 out of 10. get it?
for you photoshop junkies out there, this whole thing was done with brushes only, minus the one outer glow and the drop shadows under the status bars.
it definitely could have been better, but im proud of it, knowing that i pulled it off in a little over 2 hours.
also, be expecting some sort of still life painting in the next coming weeks.
Good work Aaron. I have no skill in painting, though I haven't ever tried it much either. Fullsail sounds pretty much a lot cooler than UNL at this point lol...... :'(
i give it a 9
yeah, i think i probably should have powered it down a little, to truly reflect the craftsmanship of the piece.
maybe a 4 out of 10? haha.
another thing that i forgot to mention was that these meters were meant to be viewed at about 1/10th of this size.
youre are one crazy cat
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