Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 3: WAR! part 2

So, I finished my painting today. As you can see, it's all made using spray paint and masking tape. As far as a meaning behind it...I would like to say that I had this big underlying theme to it, but I don't. I just feel like pieces of art that pertain to war have more power to them or something. It's like the images are stronger and can be more powerful since everyone can relate to war in some way. For good or bad.

Personally, I think people should fight for what they believe in. And if you have to go to war to defend what you believe in, then do it! We all need to stop being such pansies when it comes to standing up for ourselves, our families, our countries, our beliefs, OUR FAITH. (maybe I'm just speaking for myself there)

Here's a crappy picture of the final version... (speaking of, would anyone like to donate to the "Buy Aaron a Digital Camera Fund"? It's for a good cause)

Thanks for reading,


Juancho said...

very cool aaron, very cool

[ kuhns ] said...

what about the fact that we are called to live in peace? and love one another

ARC said...


Johnny Quest said...

You took the term "war" literally. Maybe going to war doesn't mean holding an AK-47. Maybe going to war for you means standing up for your beliefs when everyone else is standing on the opposite side of the "trenches".

I know that Jesus probably wouldn't be one to sling a couple assault rifles around his neck and run, guns blazing, into enemy lines, just because they don't believe that He is their savior and God is their creator. But shouldn't we all be in a place where we would do just about anything to let people know these things?? I'm not talking about violence, just the ability to stand up and speak out for your beliefs.

Bobbi said...

dude...aaron...that's sick! will you make me a painting for my birthday? and send it with Lance? :) props...props...God has definitely blessed you with a sick talent!!

Joel V said...

Love it.

Josh Nix said...

it's the battles of life