Friday, May 2, 2008

Playdohfield: Coming Soon

Here's my final "Motion Graphics Project" piece. I had to pick one topic and then make a 60 second motion piece for it. Then I had to cut that down into a 30 second and a 15 second. For this project, I really wanted to try to master the 3d environment and camera movements in After Effects, so that's what I focused on. I created the claymation and did the voiceovers myself. Here ya go!

I won't include the 30 or the 15 second takes. They're basically the exact same thing, just quicker cuts.

I'd like to continue to work with motion graphics in the future. I was actually thinking about failing this class on purpose, so I could have another month to work on it. I've decided not to do that though, and to just work on it in my free time. I love it and could definitely see myself pursuing a job in motion graphics.

Oh, and I think that I'm going to drop out of Full Sail and become a voice over actor. Because I'm so good at it. (sarcasm)

Keepin' It Fresh with the NEW and IMPROVED Freshness Seal,

1 comment:

Josh Nix said...

I agree you need to be a voice over actor.

Nice animation i have no idea how to even begin to do something like that, props.