So, about 2 weeks ago, I spilled red Koolaid on my laptop's keyboard. NOT KOOL AT ALL! When it happened, I quickly tried to suck the koolaid out of the keyboard with my lips. Seriously, I did, ask Lance or Becca, they were there when it happened. So after that, I turned off my laptop and let any remaining koolaid dry out for a while. When I came back to turn it on, my keyboard was toast. Dead. Done. It wouldn't work at all. I was pissed.
I took it into the Apple store to see if they could do anything for me, and they said it would be $1300 to fix it. SWEET! So, I decided that if I'm gonna have to pay $1300 to fix it, I might as well buy a brand new one for a couple hundred more. I bought a new one and two days before it gets to me, I get my broken laptop back. I turn it on and miraculously, it works! I was pumped! So since I have a functioning laptop now, I called Apple back to get a return request for the laptop that's now being sent to me. They process the request and then I just had to wait for the laptop to get to me, so I can return it and get my money back.
The day after I got my broken (but miraculously fixed) laptop back, the keys started crapping out again. My spacebar, command, and colon keys stopped working. FRICK!
So now I'm keeping the new laptop. Today, I took out the HDD and Ram from my broken laptop and put it into my new one. Terrible process...nerve-racking to say the least.
I guess that really wasn't very angry at all. I suck at being angry.
Leaving the Koolaid to the kids,

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