Today....I did nothing. zip. zero. nada.
I didn't have class today, and I have a project that's due tomorrow. It's a video project that I was supposed to film last month, and then edit this month. The thing is, I've started over on this project 3 different times. And each time, I decided that the project was going to suck, so I gave up on it, and started with something new. I think my problem is that when I know that something isn't going to turn out the way I want it to, I lose motivation and inspiration to work on it. I hate finishing something just to finish it. If it's not going to turn out the way I want it to, I would rather not finish it at all.
What sucks even more is that now I have all of these sweet ideas for video projects which I could have filmed last month, but it's too late. I'm stuck with crappy footage and no place to go with it. Call it bad planning on my part. I can't wait for this month to be over!

Getting back up tomorrow,