Wednesday, July 30, 2008

best game you'll ever play....ever.

Yo! I just got done with my Flash Actionscript (or as Lance calls it, Flass Acsinscript) class! It was a lot of fun! A crapton of work...but fun, nonetheless. I made a game. You should check it out. Tell me what you think. I'm not happy with how the graphics turned out, but the actionscript functions, and that was the whole point of the class.

I do occasionally get an error when you shoot an enemy as it hits your plane. I dont know what's up with that. If you're plane dissapears, just refresh the page. I'll figure it out someday. Enjoy.

ps...the current high score is 960, set by Becca Dornan. Someday, i'll figure out how to save high scores. That's a little bit out of my skill level at the moment.

Fresh Script,


[ kuhns ] said...

nice shadowing!

benjamin said...

980 suckas!

there went the last half an hour....

[ kuhns ] said...

i got the FREAKING error again. but i did better this time.. 300!

Johnny Quest said...

apparently....the new high score is 1010! benjammin.