JK...i've never done that. But it did feel like i was when i was walking to my car after class today. (there's a lot of smokers at FS)
I haven't posted in a while. Im so sorry. But wait, wait, wait...before you start throwing things at me...hear me out. Last month i was in Developmental Psychology (really boring but somewhat interesting) and Web Design (really really boring, but stuff that i need to know). The Web Design class was all based on HTML and CSS coding. If you don't know what that is...go read a book or google it or something. Needless to say, coding sucks. Everyone knows it sucks. Even web programmers know it sucks. It's just so freakin' boring! I guess I'm just trying to come up with an excuse for why I haven't posted in some time.
Basically, the only thing I did last month that's worth posting is this
Cup O' Soul! website. This was the final project for Web Design, where we had to take an existing site, and redo it. I chose this local coffee house in Winter Park. I'd say that, compared to some of the other site's that I saw from my class, mine turned out really good. But I know that I could have done better. It was just hard for me to find the passion this past month.
On a much lighter note...

...doing good so far.