Friday, November 9, 2007

300 Elves

I was assigned to create a recut of a movie trailer in my "Digital Storytelling Class" We had to combine two or more movies and change the story somehow. So I combined the audio from a "300" Trailer with some video clips from "Elf" to make it appear like the elves were getting ready for battle. I think it turned out alright, but you might need to use some imagination on the voice over parts. haha! let me know what you think.


benjamin said...

dude-I freaking love it! I was cracking up. Especially the beginning i SO solid. Good work dude. I thought the creativity was sweet. What did you prof think?

Josh Nix said...

Awesome trailer what class was this for?

Peach said...

i love the snowman "this is madness"