The past two months I've taken two classes dealing with Flash Actionscript. (see post below...did i mention it's the coolest game ever?) Anywho, basically, Actionscript is the scripting language that you use inside of Flash to create flash games and websites and applications. Now, I've come to the realization that actionscript has engulfed my life. Let me explain...
A couple mornings ago, after a long night of working on this website for thunderground, I woke myself up with actionscript. Sounds weird, I know. But have you ever had a dream that transitioned into reality? I have. In this case, I think that I was halfway between conscious and unconscious, and that's when the code started running through my head. The code flew by very fast in my head and read something a little like this....
mind.addEventListener(Event.WAKE, setupBack);
function setupBack (e:Event):void {
var back:Back = new Back();
back.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateBack);
function updateBack (e:Event):void {
if (back.itches == true) {
function wakeUp (e:Event) {
mind.conscious == true;
function ScratchBack(e:Event) {
arm.x = back.x;
Now of that probably makes sense to anyone, but just go with me here. Obviously, this exact code didn't run through my head when I was waking up. It all happened very fast, but it was something very similar to it. So after that code ran, I immediately woke up and I had this intense itch in the center of my back.
It was just really crazy. I was a little freaked out by the whole thing. So what's the moral of the story? I guess there isn't one. I just have really weird dreams sometimes and I'm a HUGE nerd. I'm sorry if you took the time to read this.
Dreamin' Fresh;